慧阳联合 发表于 2013-9-30 18:05:24

微软“创新杯”全球大赛2014启动 Welcome to Imagine Cup 2014!

      微软“创新杯”(Imagine Cup) 目前已成为世界上规模最大的学生科技竞赛, 有超过100,000名来自100多个国家和地区的学生参与。全球学生大赛为来自世界各地的青年学生提供了一个激发科技创新潜力、热情以及社会责任感的平台,它鼓励学生积极参与,在实践中学习发现和解决问题的能力,提高将来就业和职业发展的竞争力,也为学生提供了与世界交流,并且向世界展示自己才华的舞台。   
      Imagine Cup 微软“创新杯”全球学生大赛创始于2003年,旨在鼓励青年学生发挥想象和创新能力,投身科技创新, 目前已成为世界上规模最大的学生科技竞赛, 有超过100,000名来自100多个国家和地区的学生参与,并得到联合国教科文组织(UNESCO, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)的支持。Imagine Cup大赛为全球青年学生提供一个激发技术创新潜力和利用科技创新解决社会面临的实际难题的平台,向学生展示科技为真实世界所带来的各种机会,使来自世界各地的学生沟通和交流他们的科技创新体验。
      Imagine Cup 微软“创新杯”全球学生大赛首届比赛于2003年在西班牙巴塞罗那举行。 中国学生从2004年起开始参加Imagine Cup大赛。在过去的九年里,中国学生取得了骄人的成绩,他们的杰出表现令大赛评委和参赛各国的代表队印象深刻,也让我们倍感骄傲和自豪!


注:Imagine Cup 单项最高奖10万美元,每年总奖金150万美元。


https://mail.cstnet.cn/coremail/s?func=mbox:getMessageData&sid=BAEHFsxxwNoCOsdLlexxTFQGPmxGMNpw&mid=3:1tbiAwgLE1D7NkOSzQAAmS&part=3Welcome to Imagine Cup 2014!
It is my pleasure to announce the launch of our Imagine Cup 2014 season and share the news that registration is now officially open!
This is the 12th year of Imagine Cup, and with that we are rolling out a new model which evolves the program to foster year-round engagement.Our new model is designed to give more student developers the opportunity to get involved with Microsoft to learn, develop and innovate with our technologies, inspiring young people around the globe to reach their full potential.
We have some great new opportunities and a lot of cool new stuff to share, so be sure to spread the word about Imagine Cup to student developers and their faculty in your markets. We’ll be giving out more than $750,000 in prizes this year and we’ll have even more to add in the months ahead.
And of course, this year we’re bringing Imagine Cup home to Seattle for the first time ever.
Think students can’t change the world?Just ask our chairman and co-founder, Bill Gates, about that! CompetitionsOur three main competitions are back for 2014: Games, Innovation, and World Citizenship. And once again the prizes are substantial: $50,000 to the first-place team in each competition! We had some amazing projects win these competitions at our 2013 World Finals in St. Petersburg, Russia, two months ago and we can’t wait to see what this year brings.ChallengesThis year at Imagine Cup we want to help students get their project off the ground early and with the right planning. We’re launching a new series of global online challenges inspired by the Software Development Life Cycle to help students start fast and start smart:
[*]Pitch Video Challenge (September-October): Record a five minute video with your team pitching your project!
[*]Project Blueprint Challenge (November-December): Dig deep into your thinking and deliver a written project proposal highlighting your users, requirements, scenarios, and business model.
[*]User Experience Challenge (January-February): How will people actually use your software? A great user experience transforms any solution so show us your user flow, wireframes, and a visual target for how your software will look on screen.

For each of our bi-monthly challenges, student teams can compete in Games, World Citizenship, and Innovation categories with the top team in each category winning$3,000! In addition, the top ten teams in each category will be honored as Challenge All-Stars. All of these winners will receive expert feedback on their projects and they will be celebrated on our website for the entire Imagine Cup community to congratulate.
That’s Not AllWe've got a lot more goodness for student developers yet to come, including the return of our global trivia quiz, Brain Games 2.0. Subscribe to our Insiders Newsletter to get the latest news and join us on Facebook and Twitter. Game on!


补充内容 (2013-10-1 08:19):
registration is now officially open!

budaoweng123 发表于 2013-9-30 21:11:23

怎么报名呢 同学?

antty 发表于 2013-9-30 22:05:49

budaoweng123 发表于 2013-9-30 21:11
怎么报名呢 同学?

这是官网网址 http://imaginecup.com/Custom/GetStarted#?fbid=THwJPeIvEG9
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查看完整版本: 微软“创新杯”全球大赛2014启动 Welcome to Imagine Cup 2014!