[招聘|实习·全职·内推] Tellabs中国研发中心招聘2012年实习生

sissi · 发布于 2012-09-24 20:06 · 1074 次阅读


泰乐通讯(Tellabs)创立于1975年,总部位于美国芝加哥西郊。 我们很荣幸能够为全球前50强的电信客户其中的44强提供服务,泰乐通信在全球有100多个地区,共有3300多员工。泰乐通讯公司(纳斯达克股票代码:TLAB)被列入纳斯达克全球精选市场(Global Select Market)、Ocean Tomo 300™ 专利指数、标准-普尔500指数和若干企业责任指数,包括FTSE4Good指数和 8 KLD indexes社会责任指数。2010年的营业收入是15亿美金。

泰乐通讯上海研发中心在浦东张江成立有五年了。至2011年中,已稳步发展到300多名员工, 10000多平方米的办公地点,累计的资本投资超过一千万美金。上海研发中心所 研发的产品包括光传输,数据,接入和网络管理产品。泰乐通讯亚太的采购部和中国销售的客户服务体系也位于上海研发中心。



职位4:软件开发实习生/Intern (Access China NE SW)

Job Description:

1) Be a member of Tellabs broadband product software development team in Shanghai R&D center.

2) Be responsible for requirement analysis, detailed software design, implementation/coding, designing integration test cases and executing the feature integration test.

3) The responsibilities also include working with other team such HW and SIT/SVT to complete project related tasks, troubleshoot field issues, etc. to meet business needs.


1) Undergraduates who are still studying in colleges to pursue the Master degree.

2) Familiar with Linux. Knowledge of Linux script and experience of programming under Linux platform are preferred.

3) Good at C++ programming. Knowledge of OOD and experience of using OOD design tools are preferred.

4) Having good knowledge on network technologies such as Ethernet, L2/L3 switch,QoS,G/EPON,etc.

5) Good oral and written English;

6) Good verbal, interpersonal, and teamwork skills;

7) Major in Telcommunication Engineering or Computer Engineering is preferred;


招聘人数: 1人

工作时间: 8小时/天, 3~5天/周

实习期限: 6个月

应聘方式: 有应聘意向的同学,请将您的中英文简历发至fengjun.zhang@tellabs.com。并在邮件主题中注明您的姓名, 所在学校名称、专业、年级和应聘职位名称,谢谢。


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